Letters To The Editor
From: Debbie Purrington
Re: New Year's Cruise
I feel the idea of an event
sponsored by TransSupport,
for the transgendered
community, is an excellent
idea. I can see some
people have been putting
alot of time and effort
into making the upcoming
New Year's cruise possible.
I wish, however, that the
leadership of the group
please take a minute and
step back and think about
the following ideas:
I think the idea of a New
Year's party is great. I
question whether the
expense of the cruise can
be justified, at this time.
It may make more sense to
plan a less expensive New
Year's bash, and plan a
top notch transgendered
cruise late next summer or
early next fall.
My reasoning is that, it
will most likely be too
cold to be up on deck and
realize the benefit of $1000
3 hour boat rental. The
water in Maine is much more
enjoyable in the late summer
and early fall. My research
has found no takers for the
New Year's cruise; the
consensus is it will be too
cold, New Year's is a family
holiday, people want to spend
time with spouses and family
(not everyone has a supportive
spouse), it is the wrong time
of year to be out on the water,
there are big parties at local
clubs that members do not want
to miss, etc.
I have a real concern that the
group may commit to a $2000
expense and not be able to
cover even $500 in ticket
sales. Remember this is the
same group that can not get 12
members to attend a pride
parade in warm weather, let
alone 100 people to attend a
New Years cruise. This is to
short notice to properly
advertise the event. Most
major events start advertising
a year in advance. I am not
even sure the event notice
could be printed in Tapestry
prior to the event (remember,
Tapestry is a quarterly
publication, one issue every
3 months).
My suggestion would be as
follows; Scale down the
event on New Years to a
party at someone's home or a
group of members to going
and celebrating together.
Investigate boat rentals
in August or September
right now. We could even
look into an overnight
at a place like the
Chablique Inn (a gorgeous
inn on Great Chablique
Island with a deck and
rocking chairs overlook-
ing the water, private
golf course, dining room
and dance floor). Contact
a group like Tiffany club
that has sponsored an
event before, see if they
want to co-sponsor the
event or help out on the
event (The TransSupport
name is not well known
throughout the country.
We have no track record
for sponsoring an event.
Co-sponsoring with a
known group may give the
event more credibility.
Once we have a successful
event, people will know
who we are and what type
of an event we sponsor).
Get the groundwork done
by the end of November
and get a press release
out so it can be printed
in the first issue of
Tapestry in 2000.
Get press releases out
to all the major CD/T.S.
newsletters in December
so the event is advertised
in their January newsletters
(This will allow repeated
advertisements and also
allow people to schedule
vacation time, ect. If
you have any experience
with advertising a
single advertisement is
usually very ineffective.
People will have to see
ads in several months
newsletters before they
commit. This is the way
ads work, people see an
ad think it is a good
idea and forget about
it. The second or third
time they think about the
idea they act on the idea.
Anyone who ever advertised
an event or product will
tell you that. This is
why we see product X
advertised 6 times during
the Superbowl. They ain't
paying $1,000 per second
of ad time to repeat the
ad six times during the
same game for nothing).
My concerns are that we commit
to a $2000 expense and ticket
sales top out at a couple
dozen and we have to absorb
a $1500 loss. We may have
the money now, but will we
go broke next year? We have
lost a number of T.S.
members to a T.S. support
group, membership at meetings
has been much lower this year
(5 members last meeting).
Yes, when we had 20 some add
members we had a decent
income, what if we have
less than a dozen paying
members next year? Remember,
we do offer reduced or
bartered memberships to
certain members for a number
of reasons. It would be a
shame to spend all this
money on a cruise that such
a small percentage of the
membership plans to attend.
What would be even more
discouraging is that after
financing a $1500 loss on
the New Years Cruise, we
may not have the financial
resources to set up a warm
weather cruise, or other event that
may have a greater chance of being a
success, due to the warmer weather
and longer lead time to properly
advertise. I am also not sure if such
a large monetary sum can be committed
at a meeting with only 5 people in
attendance. There was not enough board
members present to conduct a board
meeting that afternoon. I am not sure
5 people represents a quorum for a
meeting. The members at the meeting
did not vote on this idea. My
understanding was that we were going
to see how much interest there was and
if we could sell enough tickets to cover
the costs. I was a little disturbed to
hear a statement that we should go ahead
and have the event even if we could not
sell any tickets. I think the idea of a
Trangendered event sponsored by
TransSupport is a great idea. I just
question weather a cruise in January
along the Maine coast is going to draw
the type of interest necessary to cover
the costs.
The intent of this letter is not to
pick on anyone or hurt anyone's
feelings. I realize a lot of time
and effort has gone into this. I
just feel the input I have been
hearing from people is it is a great
idea, but I can not make it, or it is
too cold, wrong time of the year to
be on the water, there are major
parties that some of us want to
attend, I will be with my family and
unavailable, etc.
It would be a crying shame to
bankrupt the group, or
seriously deplete the
groups financial resources, for
a handful of members and guest
to go on a 3 hour cruise.
debpurr@megalink.net |
Trans2000 Celebration!
This will be the first official event that MTS has sponsored.
Jade is our events coordinator, and has arranged for a New
Year's Cruise, with a professional DJ, for music and karyoke,
and there will be refreshments, as well as a cash bar. I would
like to encourage all members to attend and to help get the
word to the transgendered all over New England, as well as
the gay and lesbian communities will be very helpful. Ticket
Prices: $10.- members $20.- non members
*After December 1, 1999 Tickets Will Be $25.- For Everyone.
Public Awareness Push
One of the big issues facing our group is the lack of publicity,
or public awareness of MTS. It has been brought up at almost
every meeting since August 98, when I first joined. Many members
feel that it is important to get the word out to the whole of the
transgendered community in Maine, and up to now, that has not
been done sufficiently. In the past month, however, I have
contacted many tv stations, newspapers, and other media in the
southern Maine area, in an effort to find the best way to get the
word out. This week I issued a press release to the fore-
mentioned community resources. More public awareness news on
page 2.
Antoinette is looking into TV channel 4, a portland public access
station, helping our group to make a public service announcement
on video. If we can get a video psa made, most So. Maine
television stations will be willing and able to air it.
New Group Forming
Standish: Focus On Transgender Couples Issues
3rd Saturday of month at 12 noon. Call Tracy, at 642-6023 for
location. Next meeting scheduled for November 20, 1999.
Thanksgiving Dinner Meeting
Our next meeting will be Sunday November 14, 1999 at 5pm next
door to usual place in Brunswick. Coordination of the pot-luck
dinner is being handled by Tracy at 642-6023.
Other News...
We still need a banner, and help w/ programming. Call Antoinette
if you can help out: 774-7029
From The Desk Of The President...
Hi Debbie, TransSupport and TransSupporters,
I agree that such an undertaking as we are attempting with the
New Year's 2000 cruise is risky, yet I also believe we are a
community who lives on the edge and our daily lives demand
principled risks to who we are.
If this cruise were only inviting TransSupport members - we could
not do it. The only way we will pull this off is reaching out to
transsupporters, those friends, relatives and acquaintances who we
trust respect us and support us on our path.
The fact that it is winter, and in Maine usually very cold on New
Year's eve, I believe is not a major deterent - there is another
boat going out an hour later. The only deterent is not having
enough enthusiasm to pull this off, and I admit that all of your
concerns Deb, are good. I will address the number one, the fact
that the decision was made at a small meeting - however our board
myself, Robin, Jean T. and Tracy are in agreement on this idea -
risky as it is, we feel that this New Year is the time for us to
make such an effort not only to reach out to our group - and we
can draw members past and present together, but it is important to
be with friends and allies in the GLT community on this special
New Year's, one that comes but once in a millennium. I sugguest
and all of us reach those who can be enthusiastic about it, or it
will not work. I do want all of us to read Deb's e-mail and
whoever needs to call her and try to if not win her over to coming
with us, and I understand there are many reasons people will find
not to attend, yet we need everyone to help find others sympathetic
to our community who can and will, for this to be the success I am
a believer that it can and will be.
Finally, we need to come to the Thanksgiving dinner, all of us,
with our enthusiasm, not merely our doubts and fears. I wish to
thank Tracy and Seth for their creative energy putting things
together, not only this difficult effort they can not do alone -
must not do without our effort to make it a success. Perhaps
others who get this reply should respond in type as well - we can
share these in the newsletter. Perhaps it will be long but it
won't be boring.
Any way - see you all on the 14th when we hold our Thanksgiving
dinner (that will be held in the next door building to the Bruns-
wick church - upstairs in the nursery, so come prepared) and
discuss TransSupport, its future and ours.
I have a new telephone number - my old one is temporarily out, the
new one is 772-1323, which I cannot use for messages (let it ring
four times) if I'm home I'll pick it up, if not just try me again.
I'm usually home around suppertime, the exceptions being Thursday
and Friday nights when I'm at 797-8488, which you should call only
in an emergency. So please remember my new number 772-1323 -
but don't leave a message, as I can't retrieve it.
Antoinette, TransSupport President 1999
All letters to the editor which are printed here,
are the sole responsibility of the authors. This
newsletter does not vouch for the accuracy of
facts or opinions expressed therein.
Maine TransSupport has been trying, for months, to come up with
ideas for a major event. The goal here is to bring in new
members and get everyone interested in participation again.
All MTS board members have been contacted and agree that the
Trans2000 celebration is a good start.